Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong



🎧 Vibing to:



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Hey hi_icon, I’m Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong

I am a versatilist and easily adapt to different hats. I love exploring new tech stack πŸ’» and leveraging them to build cool stuffs πŸ› οΈ.


🧐 More About Me:

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Boy Scout Rule

I love open source. I am not a heavy maintainer of any large libraries, but I really like the boyscout rule. I contribute to things as I come across issues that I think other people might struggle with. This may be things that are overlooked by someone who is deep into the library.

πŸ”¨ Languages and Tools:

pytorch tensorflow Python Android Kotlin Java firebase JavaScript Typescirpt React Node.js git figma

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πŸ’– Support

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can use this service for free.

However, if you are using this project and happy with it or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it :-

Giving proper credit when you use this action on your readme, linking back to it :D Starring and sharing the project πŸš€ - You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I’ll probably buy a beer wine 🍷 Thanks! ❀️
